Ying-Chen (Jean) Lin

From plant lipids to yeast lipids. I am interested in lipid synthesis and delivery within the cells.

1. PMID: 29476828 Phosphatidylglycerophosphate Phosphatase Is Required for Root Growth in Arabidopsis YC Lin et al. Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Biol Lipids 1863 (6), 563-575. Jun 2018. PMID 29476828. Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is an indispensable lipid class in photosynthetic activity. However, the importance of PG biosynthesis in non-photosynthetic organs remains elus …
2. PMID: 30218542 A Pair of Phospho-Base Methyltransferases Important for Phosphatidylcholine Biosynthesis in Arabidopsis YC Liu et al. Plant J 96 (5), 1064-1075. Dec 2018. PMID 30218542. Phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho) is a predominant membrane lipid class in eukaryotes. Phospho-base N-methyltransferase (PMT) catalyzes a critical step in PtdCho biosynthesis. …
3. PMID: 29655284 A Pair of Nonspecific Phospholipases C, NPC2 and NPC6, Are Involved in Gametophyte Development and Glycerolipid Metabolism in Arabidopsis AH Ngo et al. New Phytol 219 (1), 163-175. Jul 2018. PMID 29655284. Phospholipases play crucial roles in plant membrane lipid homeostasis. Nonspecific phospholipase C (NPCs) establish a unique class of phospholipases found only in plants …
4. PMID: 29031026 Genome-wide Characterization of Differential Transcript Usage in Arabidopsis Thaliana D Vaneechoutte et al. Plant J 92 (6), 1218-1231. Dec 2017. PMID 29031026. Alternative splicing and the usage of alternate transcription start- or stop sites allows a single gene to produce multiple transcript isoforms. Most plant genes express …
5. PMID: 31726375 High-Resolution Crystal Structure of Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T Illuminates Its Phospholipid-Binding Site in Flowering Y Nakamura et al. iScience 21, 577-586. 2019. PMID 31726375. Arabidopsis FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) is a pivotal component of florigen, a long-range mobile flowering signal. Here, we determined the 1.0 Å-resolution crystal structure of …
6. PMID: 27541283 Arabidopsis Phosphatidylglycerophosphate Phosphatase 1 Involved in Phosphatidylglycerol Biosynthesis and Photosynthetic Function YC Lin et al. Plant J 88 (6), 1022-1037. Dec 2016. PMID 27541283. Phosphatidylglycerol (PG) is an indispensable lipid constituent of photosynthetic membranes, whose function is essential in photosynthetic activity. In higher plants, the …
7. PMID: 30518673 A Methyltransferase Trio Essential for Phosphatidylcholine Biosynthesis and Growth YC Liu et al. Plant Physiol 179 (2), 433-445. Feb 2019. PMID 30518673. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) is a primary class of membrane lipids in most eukaryotes. In plants, the primary PC biosynthetic pathway and its role in plant growth and develop …
8. PMID: 24984150 Floral Glycerolipid Profiles in Homeotic Mutants of Arabidopsis Thaliana Y Nakamura et al. Biochem Biophys Res Commun 450 (4), 1272-5. 2014. PMID 24984150. Flowers have distinct glycerolipid composition, yet its floral organ-specific profile remains elusive in Arabidopsis whose flowers are too tiny to dissect different flora …
9. PMID: 25406445 Arabidopsis DOK1 Encodes a Functional Dolichol Kinase Involved in Reproduction K Kanehara et al. Plant J 81 (2), 292-303. Jan 2015. PMID 25406445. Dolichol phosphate (Dol-P) serves as a carrier of complex polysaccharides during protein glycosylation. Dol-P is synthesized by the phosphorylation of dolichol or the mon …
10. PMID: 26179579 Phosphatidic Acid Is a Major Phospholipid Class in Reproductive Organs of Arabidopsis Thaliana IS Yunus et al. Plant Signal Behav 10 (8), e1049790. 2015. PMID 26179579. Phospholipids are the crucial components of biological membranes and signal transduction. Among different tissues, flower phospholipids are one of the least characterized …
11. PMID: 25966764 The Choline/Ethanolamine Kinase Family in Arabidopsis: Essential Role of CEK4 in Phospholipid Biosynthesis and Embryo Development YC Lin et al. Plant Cell 27 (5), 1497-511. May 2015. PMID 25966764. Phospholipids are highly conserved and essential components of biological membranes. The major phospholipids, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidylcholine (PtdCho), a …
12. PMID: 31087404 Arabidopsis CHOLINE/ETHANOLAMINE KINASE 1 (CEK1) Is a Primary Choline Kinase Localized at the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) and Involved in ER Stress Tolerance YC Lin et al. New Phytol 223 (4), 1904-1917. Sep 2019. PMID 31087404. Choline kinase catalyzes the initial reaction step of choline metabolism that produces phosphocholine, a prerequisite for the biosynthesis of a primary phospholipid phosp …